Campaign finance committees are classified by the number of donations received, the number of donors, or the purpose of the committee.
The following table shows all Florida-based campaign committees established for elections in 2020.
Candidate Name | Committee Name | Committee Type |
Sharmin Lynn Smith | Sharmin Smith for President | Presidential |
Omar Reyes | OMAR2020 | House |
Christine Alexandria Olivo | Christine for Congress | House |
Shlomo Nizahon | Nizahon for Congress | House |
Christin Noel Powers | Christin Powers Campaign | Presidential |
Joe Dallas Millado | MILLADO4CONGRESS | House |
Sergio E. Ortiz | Ortiz for Congress Committee.Inc | House |
Armani Salado | Armani Salado for Congress | House |
Albert Chester II | Albert Chester for Congress | House |
Richard Mendelson | Richard Mendelson for Congress, Inc | House |
Matthew Lusk | Matthew Lusk | House |
William Olson | William Olson for Congress | House |
Gregory Wayne Musselwhite Sr. | Greg Musselwhite Committee to Elect for Congress | House |
Irina Vilarino | Irina Vilarino for Congress | House |
Elizabeth Felton | Elizabeth Felton for Congress | House |
Kirk Troen | Troen for Congress | House |
Amy Pope Wells | Amy Pope Wells for Congress | House |
Zachary Smith | Elect Zach Smith for Congress | House |
Sheila Griffin | Sheila Griffin for Congress | House |
Jennifer Vogel-Walcutt | Team Jj USA | Presidential |
Janet Edwards | Jan Edwards for Congress | House |
Christian F. Acosta | Christian F Acosta for Congress | House |
James Kennedy | Jim Kennedy for Congress | House |
Michael Joesph Blueming Jr. | Michael Bluemling for Congress | House |
Victor Garcia Da Rosa | Victor Garcia Da Rosa for Congress | House |
Amanda Makki | Amanda Makki for Congress | House |
Michael A. Hepburn | The Committee to Elect Michael Hepburn | House |
Jose Alfredo Castillo | Jose Castillo for Congress | House |
Mike Thibodeau | Mike Thibodeau for Congress | House |
Jennifer Pilchick Perelman | JEN2020 | House |
Matt Becker | Becker for Congress | House |
Margaret Elizabeth Rowell Good | Margaret Good for Congress | House |
Adam Roger Hattersley | Hattersley for Congress | House |
Maria Elvira Salazar | Salazar for Congress | House |
Laura Loomer | Laura Loomer for Congress Inc | House |
Philip Benjamin Dodds | Voters for Phil Dodds | House |
Juan E. Fiol | Juan Fiol for Congress | House |
Augustus Invictus | Augustus Invictus for President, Inc | Presidential |
Omar Blanco | Blanco for Congress | House |
Erick Javier Aguilar | Erick Aguilar Congressional Race Candidate | House |
Cindy Lyn Banyai | Friends of Cindy Banyai | House |
Anna Paulina Luna | Anna Paulina Luna for Congress | House |
Alan Michael Cohn | Cohn for Congress 2020 | House |
Sakinah Lee Lehtola | Sakinah for Congress | House |
Jessica Melton | Melton Congressional Campaign | House |
Darlene Swaffar | Swaffarforcongress | House |
Osvaldo Vazquez | Oz for Congress | House |
James L. Pruden | Jim Pruden for Congress | House |
Nicholas P. Vessio | Vessio for Congress | House |
Michael Vilardi | Vilardi for Congress | House |
Richard Goble | Richard Goble | House |
Sharon Barry Newby | Sharon Barry Newby for Congress | House |
Roshan Mody | Mody for Congress | House |
Enrique Tarrio | Enrique Tarrio for Congress | House |
Yadira Escobar | Yadira Escobar for Congress | House |
William Matthew Figlesthaler | William Figlesthaler for Congress | House |
Leo Valentin | Leo Valentin for Congress | House |
Dane Eagle | Dane Eagle for Congress | House |
Yukong Zhao | Yukong Zhao for Congress | House |
Daniel Mark Severson | Severson for Congress | House |
Donna Deegan | Donna Deegan for Congress | House |
David Holden | David Holden for Florida 2020 | House |
Michael T. Kroske | Michael Kroske Committee to Elect for U.S. Representative | House |
Adam Aarons | Adam Aarons for Congress | House |
Reba Sherrill | Reba for Congress | House |
Ford O'Connell | Ford for Florida | House |
Kat Cammack | Kat for Congress | House |
Darren Dione Aquino | Aquino for Congress | House |
Heather Fitzenhagen | Heather Fitzenhagen for Congress | House |
Adam J. Christensen | Adam J Christensen for Congress | House |
Richard Thripp | Richard Thripp for Congress | House |
Gavin Rollins | Gavin Rollins for Congress | House |
Byron Donalds | Byron Donalds for Congress | House |
James St. George | Friends of James St. George | House |
Nicolas Sacramento | Nicolas Sacramento for Congress | House |
Michael Joseph Bluemling Jr. | Michael Bluemling Jr. for Congress | House |
Kent Giunn | Kent Guinn for Congress | House |
Jean Rochelle Diangelus | Chelle for Congress | House |
E.D. Braddy | Ed Braddy for Congress | House |
Carlos Gimenez | Carlos Gimenez for Congress | House |
Christopher Robert Wright | Christopher Wright for Congress | House |
Lavern Spicer | Friends to Elect Lavern Spicer for Congress | House |
Guido Weiss | Guido Weiss for Congress | House |
Ryan Chamberlin | Ryan Chamberlin for Congress | House |
Todd Chase | Todd Chase for Congress Inc. | House |
Sean Jackson | Sean Jackson for Congress Committee | House |
Gary Adler | Adler for Congress | House |
Dennis Misigoy | Elect Misigoy | House |
Charles William Engelbrecht | Bill Engelbrecht for Congress | House |
John Roger Wagoner | Roger Wagoner for Congress | House |
Christy Mclaughlin | Christy for Congress | House |
Willie Montague | Montague for Congress 2020 | House |
Scott Franklin | Scott Franklin for Congress | House |
Casey Askar | Casey Askar for Congress | House |
Frances Flynn | Fran Flynn Campaign | House |
Pedro Norman Figueiredo | Pedro Figueiredo for House D7 | House |
Pamela M. Keith | Committee to Elect Pam Keith | House |
David Theus | David Theus for Congress | House |
Vic Degrammont | Degrammont for Congress | House |
Daniel Kowal | Kowal for Congress Inc | House |
Christine Yvonne Quinn | Christine Quinn for Congress | House |
Scott Caine | Citizens for Scott Caine | House |
John Gerard Nolan | Campaign Account of John Gerard (GERRY) Nolan | House |
Albert Oram | Oram for Congress | House |