Florida State College at Jacksonville recently issued the following announcement.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021, 11:30AM – 1PM
This virtual student event is a part of a series of guided discussions around race in a way that is accessible to everyone. The Race Cards was created by 904Ward as a way to
facilitate meaningful conversations, as well as respecting and challenging participants without invalidating anyone’s experiences. For questions, email servicelearning@fscj.edu.
WebEx details: https://fscj.webex.com/fscj/j.php?MTID=ma28f9d429b4f9923a2e22f8c700f2ff5
Meeting number: 2430 333 2215
Password: WVdGWD6kJ64
To join by phone: (904) 900-2303
Location: Webex
Audience: Current
Students: Event
Type: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Service Learning, Virtual Event
Original source can be found here.